The first look or for the guests’ favorite place in the hotel is lobby. A well designed lobby makes provides more comfortable and relax for the guests or the visitors. Interior Designers in Pondicherry are doing very well for these things. A well designed lobby will encourage them to stay and relax not simply check in or out and then leave. The physical design of the hotel influences the quality inference and perceptions made by the guests. And due to this reason it is very important that the accurate measurement of the physical environment must be suitable according to the prospective of the guests. There are four types of the designs functions which are concern able for the interior designer. Such as scale of the lobby, furniture type and arrangement, finish material and access to delighting and views.
In the accurate scale of the lobby contains space related materials for the designing lobby in the hotels. A series of scales for the lobby were developed to evaluate the different atmosphere related elements of a hotel lobby. Instead of the devolving one overall atmospheric a series of individual scales were developed to evaluate specific atmospheric elements. The guest and customers feel pleasure of well designed and furnished lobby. A series of the scale for the lobby design is identification for the strength and weakness of a hotel lobby design. For the accurate design of the lobby the interior designer can use photographs, architectural drawing, or may be computer simulation. Computer simulation is the best way for the measure series of the scale of the lobby. It is designed as per the surrounding’s look the hotels which are built in mountain area.
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Lighting arrangement, texture or pattern, furnishing and the appropriateness of the environment are significant functions in the overall impression of the hotel lobby. Therefore these types of the arrangements also design with the best efforts.